Monday 14 September 2015

Lover of Rains - Pluviophile

Rains – Just the word is enough to bring a smile on people’s face. Be it a farmer who wants rain for his crops, the peacocks who dance in the rain, the kids who make boats in the rain, or the couples who love dancing in the rain – It is pleasured & treasured by everyone.

Rains are considered as a blessing according to few religions. They say God answers our prayers and provides rain as a blessing, and it is His way of showing that he is connected to the land and cares deeply.

Rains also give sense of happiness. It is such a refreshing feeling that a mere thought of getting drenched makes one happy J

Here are 21 signs that show you are a "Pluviophile"
  • When it starts raining, everyone runs into shelter, but you’d rather stand there & get drenched.
  • The smell of rains – Ahhh! It’s a pleasantry for you.
  • You love the feeling of rain on your bare skin.
  • The 'sound of raindrops' on your window/ roof has a musical effect on you.
  • You love doodling raindrops.
  • Your fantasies involve dancing in the rain with your partner.
  • You love splashing water in the puddles.
  • You respond to the sound of the rain in the same way as pets do to their treats.
  • You feel at peace watching heavy downpour.
  • You always have those favorite songs to hear when it rains.
  • You are the one who asks your friends for a walk down the lane when it’s raining.
  • You have made more memories when it rains than any another time.
  • You love sitting by the window, reading a book, with hot chocolate or coffee to savor the mood.
  • You love 'Rainbows'.
  • You love going on long drives when it rains.
  • You love the tiny droplets on your face when the breeze hits your face.
  • You love walking on moist grass.
  • Your favorite movies have the best scenes in the middle of the downpour (Ah! I can think of so many right now ^_^)
  • It changes your L to J in a jiffy.
  • You find nothing better than snuggling in on a rainy day.
  • And lastly, you only wish it rains more & more!!!

I am a proud Pluviophile. Me & the rains - Ahh! Made for each other. Rains give a feeling like being loved, or cared, or even wanted would give.  Like that’s the best thing about life - Rains & the memories attached with the few best people in life. (I still can’t forget the dance in the rain ages back. *blush blush*)

Happy rains People. Make loads of memories this season. J

Monday 7 September 2015

In love with Mr.Maybe

How often do you fall in love? The answer is ‘Just once’ for 50% of youngsters, until they get dumped, or decide to dump their partner. The other 50% include those happily in love couples who go to an extent to do anything & everything for each other, and those who think their partner is doing everything that they can for them. The latter fall into the category of dating Mr/Ms. Maybe’s.

Let’s just talk about Mr. Maybe’s today. So there is this guy (lets name him Mr.Maybe) who is sweet, charming, smart and ambitious. He does everything possible for you to make you fall in love with him, & you do. And in the course of your relationship you realize you are missing something, something big, something small, & he is not what you have wanted to have. But then you decide to convince yourself that he loves you and that he is doing his best to keep you. You keep giving yourself excuses time and again, until there comes a point where you can’t take any more of it & lo! You finally decide to let go of your Mr. Maybe.

Let’s check why we’ve named him Mr. Maybe.
  • You fall sick & you tell him about it, & ‘Maybe’ he is too busy with something so important that he forgets to ask you about your health.
  • Maybe’ he is too busy at work & forgets to call you back.
  • He ‘Maybe’ listening to you when you talk about a personal issue & it just got erased off his memory when you tried to recall.
  • Maybe’ you talk too much & it’s difficult for him to remember.
  • Maybe’ he is getting laid off at work & he is just too stressed to make an effort.
  • Maybe’ he is bad at remembering dates & hence forgot your birthday.
  • Maybe’ he is attending your friend’s marriage with you & his vehicle breaks down the same morning.
  • Maybe’ he really cares for you & is bad at showing it.
  • Maybe’ you support his dreams and ambitions & he thinks yours are not worth a thought.
  • Maybe’ he doesn’t know how to love you the way you do.
  • Maybe’ his work life is so busy that he can’t find time to text you.
  • Maybe’ he dint really like your status or profile picture & hence dint react.
  • Maybe’ he has his family on his social networking sites & hence decides to keep his status as single.
  • Maybe’ the girl that he talks to everyday is just a friend.
  • Maybe’ he is busy over the weekend with his friends & family.
  • Maybe’ he dint want to let go off your hand because people were watching.
  • Maybe’ he loves you & not your money.
  • Maybe’ he really needs you but he is not ready to be emotionally available.
  •  Maybe’ he is being busy with something & not really cheating on you.
  • Maybe’ he is focused on his career & doesn’t want this relationship of yours to distract him.
  • Maybe’ he needs space & hence goes without talking to you for an entire day.
  • Maybe’ he wants to introduce you to his family but he is not finding the right time to.
  • Maybe’ he wants you to buy that dress you like for your birthday but he doesn’t have money to.
  • Maybe’ he is doing everything for you & you think you deserve better.

Ah! The list of maybe’s can go on forever. But these are just a few examples that we can all relate to. A reason to why people say ‘love is blind’ is when they see people settling down for these ‘maybe’s’ when they deserve much better. Maybe women should stop lying to themselves.

Why opt for a Mr. Maybe when we can find a guy much better who does not come with the baggage of these Maybe’s - someone who really has time for us, someone who knows to show his love, someone who makes us a priority, someone who can confess to the world that he has a girl, someone who would be loyal to us, someone who wants to spend the rest of his life with us and most importantly, someone who really LOVES us.

I would say care until you no longer can and then move on. Mature men know how to manage their time, and make time for the people in their lives. They know how to balance work and life. If you feel that he is making more excuses than reasons to spend time with you, then move on. I know it is difficult but it will save you from a lot of heartache. So go talk to him, & tell him that ‘maybe’ you guys should just move on!

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Bon Voyage

When was the last time you did something new? I keep asking this to people. It does make people go around thinking of doing something new if they haven’t done anything lately. So I asked this to myself the other day & decided to learn how to drive! Me, along with my brother & cousin got into the car and started off our voyage. I call it a Voyage, rather than a drive because it actually turned out to be one – It was a perfect adventure trip. Bits & pieces of it described below.

I had been on the wheel earlier, so it was not a bad start for me. I picked up the instructions pretty quickly. My siblings kept saying ‘Stay on the left’, ‘change the gear’, ‘Release the hold on the clutch’ which I diligently followed. I kept driving for an hour, so we kept changing the lanes every time.  While I did this, I realized that most of the places I had never been to before. It was my neighborhood, but still I hardly came there. I now feel if I was asked how well I knew my neighborhood, the answer would be ‘Umm Well, I don’t!’

As I kept driving, we got into a playground to practice better. And what I saw totally surprised me - The ground was choc-a-bloc. There were so many kids playing different games. It was a Saturday evening, & perhaps a half day for the kids & so they headed to the playground. There were so many kids playing Cricket. I wish our national game was Cricket - We would have fared better! There were four groups with youngsters from different age groups playing along. Howzat, whistles & screams teamed along.

There was a family who had come down as well - Parents with their two children- aged 6-8 maybe. They played badminton & flying saucer. In my first round of the playground, I saw the couple (parents) playing badminton, & in the next one I saw them teamed up with a kid each. Don’t they say parents are the best teachers? This couple just proved it. It was a sight to see them play. They were not only spending the time with their kids, but also enjoying their time spent. And by picking sports as a means to spend time, they were actually helping themselves & their kids stay fit. (Follow for some helpful fitness tips).

On the track, there were also a few other people learning how to drive. There was a husband teaching his wife how to drive their new Vento (I could say it was new as it had those lemons & pooja stuff on it). There was also a brother teaching his sister how to ride an Activa. The poor chap was brisk-running behind her as she was riding through slowly. What really made me smile was 2 boys (could be friends or brothers) the elder one was teaching the other one how to ride a bicycleJ. The kid managed to ride diagonally past us on the track and the joy on his face was seamless.

It was pleasing to watch people find happiness in little things. I manage to find some nostalgic moments on my ‘Voyage’. J